Flora Fong GirasolSunflower, 2000 oil on canvas39 3/4 x 32 3/4 inches
José Bedia Oya ta VeniOya ta Veni, 2001
oil on canvas
23 x 35 inches
Wifredo Lam Elle, Casquée, de la serie Pleni LunaShe with Helmet, from the Pleni Luna series, 1974 lithograph 209/26225 1/2 x 19 3/4 inches
Top Left: Ramón Vázquez, Ahora Somos Dos Tontos, Enamorados Bottom Left: Miguel Florido, Mi Más Preciada BolsaRight: Miguel Florido, Mi Pensamiento en Ti
Miguel Florido Mi Pensamiento en Ti
My Thoughts With You, 2008 oil on canvas70 3/4 x 51 1/4 inches
Ramón Vázquez Ahora Somos Dos Tontos, EnamoradosNow We're Two Fools, In Love, 2008 oil on canvas14 x 10 inches
Miguel Florido Mi Más Preciada BolsaMy Most Precious Bag, 2008
oil on canvas
13 3/4 x 9 3/4 inches
Juan Miguel Suárez Revelaciones Revelations, 2007 oil on canvas
39 1/4 x 32 inches
David Rodríguez La Lección Aprendida
The Learned Lesson,
oil on canvas
40 x 31 3/4 inches
Ania Toledo Renacimiento IIRenaissance II, 2008
oil on canvas66 1/2 x 53 inches
Gabriel Sánchez Soñar muchos SueñosTo Dream Many Dreams, 2006 acrylic on canvas
52 x 37 1/2 inches
Li Domínguez Fong Recuerdos de la FactoríaMemories of the Factory, 2005 oil on canvas30 1/4 x 45 1/4 inches
Irina Elén González Mis Raices Conmigo, de la serie ArraigosMy Roots With Me, from the Arraigos series, 2008 oil on canvas31 1/2 x 39 1/2 inches
Left: Vicente Hernández, La Silla III Center: Miguel Florido, Canta de Nuevo el AmorRight: David Rodríguez, Altas Notas
Vicente Hernández La Silla IIIThe Chair III, 2008 mixed media on canvas78 1/2 x 39 1/2 inches
Miguel Florido Canta de Nuevo el AmorLove Sings Again, 2008 oil on canvas39 1/2 x 78 3/4 inches
David Rodríguez Altas NotasHigh Notes, 2008 oil on canvas
58 x 46 3/4 inches
Left: Alfredo Sosabravo, Sueños Infantil Fantástico Right: Juan Miguel Suárez, El Muro
Alfredo Sosabravo Sueño Infantil FantásticoFantastic Infantile Dream,
2004 oil, acrylic, collage on canvas48 3/4 x 35 3/4 inches
Juan Miguel Suárez El MuroThe Ledge, 2007 oil on canvas
38 1/2 x 46 inches
Wifredo Lam L'Oiseau de FeuBirds of Fire, 1970
polished brass and chrome, metal plated 192/500 A & 192/500 B
10 1/2 x 6 x 4 inches
Enrique Gay García El MuroThe Wall,
1978 concrete and iron sculpture
25 x 12 x 8 inches
Giosvany Echevarría Paisaje con PalmasLandscape with Palm Tree, 2008 oil on canvas23 1/2 x 31 1/2 inches
Giosvany Echevarría Paisaje al AmanecerLandscape at Dawn, 2008 oil on canvas23 1/2 x 31 1/2 inches
César Santos En el MuuseoIn the Muuseum, 2008 oil on canvas24 x 38 inches
Left: Giosvany Echevarría, Paisaje al Amanecer Center: César Santos, En el MuuseoVicente Hernández, Camila Se Roba a Sus Hijos
Vicente Hernández Camila Se Roba a Sus HijosCamila Abducts Her Sons,
2008 oil on canvas31 1/2 x 63 inches
Left: Joel Besmar, Vita Nuova Center: Agustín Cardenas, CaballoRight: Li Domínguez Fong, Híbrido
Joel Besmar Vita NuovaNew Life, 2008 oil on canvas31 1/2 x 43 1/4 inches
Agustín Cárdenas CaballoHorse, 1983-1985
bronze sculpture, 4/6
12 x 14 x 5 inches
Left: Agustín Cardenas, Caballo Center: Li Domínguez Fong, HíbridoRight: Agustín Fernández, Desnudo
Li Domínguez Fong HíbridoHybrid, 2008 mixed media on canvas52 1/4 x 64 3/4 inches
Agustín Fernández DesnudoNude, 1991 oil on canvas50 x 40 inches
Left: Miguel Florido, Eres Mi Remanso en el Monte Right: Tomás Sánchez, Orilla
Miguel Florido Eres Mi Remanso en el MonteYou Are My Haven in The Forest,
oil on canvas
9 3/4 x 13 3/4 inches
Tomás Sánchez OrillaLakeshore, 1986 acrylic on canvas31 1/2 x 76 3/4 inches
Miguel Padura BodegónStill Life, undated oil on canvas23 3/4 x 35 1/2 inches
César Santos En el North WestIn the North West, 2007 oil on canvas21 x 28 inches
Alfredo Sosabravo Diablitos EncajonadosBoxed in Little Devils, 2002 oil on canvas38 x 28 inches
Manuel Mendive Lleno de VidaFull of Life, 2001 acrylic on canvas20 x 19 1/2 inches
Arturo Rodríguez El DesmembradoDismembered, 1986 oil on canvas16 1/2 x 14 1/2 inches
Miguel Florido No Encuentro PalabrasI Can't Find the Words, 2008 oil on canvas13 3/4 x 9 3/4 inches
Left: Vicente Hernández, La Urgencia del Tiempo Right: Miguel Florido, Persisto y te aguardo
Vicente Hernández La Urgencia del TiempoThe Urgency of Time, 2008 oil on canvas27 1/2 x 14 1/2 inches
Miguel Florido Persisto y te aguardoI Persist and Abide You, 2006 mixed media installation on wood19 x 10 1/4 inches
Left: Raquel Lazaro, Dos Peces, Two Fish, 1980, gouache and ink on paper, 23 x 28 1/2 inches Right: Cundo Bermúdez, Figuras con Pescado
Cundo Bermúdez Figuras con PescadoFigures with Fish, ca. 1953 gouache and ink on paper11 3/4 x 17 1/2 inches
David Rodríguez Umbral 314
314 Doorway, 2008 oil on canvas
30 3/4 x 26 3/4 inches
David Rodríguez EstampaImage, 2008 oil on canvas22 x 19 inches
César Santos Venus Contemplando MiamiVenus Contemplating Miami, 2007 oil on canvas12 3/4 x 28 1/2 inches
Manuel Mendive La RelaciónThe Relationship, 2005 acrylic on canvas
33 x 38 1/2 inches