FIRST FLOOR EXHIBITION SPACE FEATURING A Group Show of Artworks by Cuban & Latin American Artists
FIRST FLOOR EXHIBITION SPACE FEATURING A Group Show of Artworks by Cuban & Latin American Artists
FIRST FLOOR EXHIBITION SPACE FEATURING A Group Show of Artworks by Cuban & Latin American Artists
FIRST FLOOR EXHIBITION SPACE FEATURING A Group Show of Artworks by Cuban & Latin American Artists
Eduardo Abela El Bobo(The Fool), 1953 ink on heavy paper laid down on cardboard 8 3/4 x 6 inches
Víctor Manuel García La Ciudad de Noche(The City at Night), ca. 1940 oil on canvas 24 x 17 3/4 inches
Carlos Enríquez Paisaje(Landscape), 1943 oil on canvas 24 1/2 x 27 3/4 inches
Carmelo González La Carta(The Letter), 1954 mixed media on heavy paper laid down on board 25 x 19 inches
Mario Carreño Ajedrez(Chess), 1974 bronze sculpture 3/18 25 x 5 3/4 x 5 3/4 inches
FIRST FLOOR EXHIBITION WALL FEATURING A Group Show of Artworks by Cuban & Latin American Artists
Flora Fong Una Luz en Mi Ventana(A Light in My Window), 2008 mixed media on canvas 78 1/4 x 78 1/4 inches
Gina Pellón La Gallina(The Hen), 2011 mixed media on canvas 75 3/4 x 50 1/2 inches
Carlos Enríquez La Haitiana(The Haitian Woman), 1945 oil on canvas board 19 1/2 x 13 3/4 inches
Amelia Peláez Dos Hermanas(Two Sisters), 1946 oil on canvas 40 1/4 x 31 3/4 inches
Amelia Peláez El Árbol y la Cruz(The Tree and the Cross), ca. 1925 oil on canvas board 12 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches
FIRST FLOOR EXHIBITION SPACE FEATURING A Group Show of Artworks by Cuban & Latin American Artists
Mario Carreño Encuentro Junto al Mar(Encounter By the Sea), 1976 oil on canvas 47 3/8 x 67 inches
Joel Besmar (Fervet Opus), 2007 oil on canvas 59 x 39 1/2 inches
Dayron González (Anita), 2012 mixed media on canvas 58 1/2 x 19 inches
FIRST FLOOR EXHIBITION SPACE FEATURING A Group Show of Artworks by Cuban & Latin American Artists
Irina Elén González Dama de los Mares(Lady of the Seas), 2012 acrylic on canvas 39 x 31 3/4 inches
Manuel Mendive Sueño y Transfiguración(Dream and Transfiguration), 1989 oil on canvas 46 x 74 3/4 inches
Irina Elén González Cuestión de Fe(A Question of Faith), 2012 acrylic on canvas 16 x 12 1/4 inches
Vicente Hernández No hay Retorno(No Return), 2005 oil on canvas
23 1/2 x 31 1/2 inches
Vicente Hernández What is Forgotten is Then Remembered(Lo Que Se Olvidó, Se Recuerda), 2009 mixed media on canvas 12 x 16 inches
FIRST FLOOR EXHIBITION SPACE FEATURING A Group Show of Artworks by Cuban & Latin American Artists
FIRST FLOOR EXHIBITION SPACE FEATURING A Group Show of Artworks by Cuban & Latin American Artists
FIRST FLOOR EXHIBITION WALL FEATURING A Group Show of Artworks by Cuban & Latin American Artists
Antonio Rodríguez Morey Jardín Tropical(Tropical Garden), ca. 1905 oil on canvas board 15 x 10 inches
Domingo Ramos Paisaje con Palmas(Landscape with Palm Trees), 1945 oil on canvas on board 19 1/2 x 25 1/2 inches
Esteban Chartrand Crepúsculo(Sunset), 1867 oil on canvas22 x 36 1/4 inches
Philippe Chartrand Dubois Glorioso Atardecer(Glorious Sunset), 1886 oil on wood 9 1/2 x 14 inches
FIRST FLOOR EXHIBITION WALL FEATURING A Group Show of Artworks by Cuban & Latin American Artists
Manuel Mesa Hermida Desnudo Femenino(Feminine Nude), 1917 oil on canvas
41 1/2 x 24 1/2 inches
Federico Sulroca Spencer Desnudo(Nude), ca. 1900 oil on canvas 31 1/4 x 20 inches
Armando Menocal Dama(Lady), ca. 1890 oil on canvas 39 1/2 x 29 1/2 inches
FIRST FLOOR EXHIBITION WALL FEATURING A Group Show of Artworks by Cuban & Latin American Artists
Eduardo Morales Guardarraya de Palmas con Línea de Tren(Avenue of Palm Trees with Railroad Track), 1916 oil on cardboard 10 1/2 x 8 inches
Evelio García Mata Florero(Flower Vase), ca. 1960 oil on canvas 24 x 20 inches
Teodoro Ríos Jarrón con Aroma de Mariposas (Jar with Butterfly Aroma), 1943 oil and mixed media on canvas 32 1/2 x 29 1/2 inches
Aurelio Melero Fernández de Castro Florero con Rosas(Vase with Roses), 1907 oil on canvas 39 1/4 x 25 3/4 inches
Antonio Rodríguez Morey Del Lindero Hasta el Palmar, 1948 oil on canvas 23 1/2 x 35 1/4 inches
Armando Menocal Cuca Parando una Codorniz(Cuca Retrieving a Quail), 1915 oil on canvas 35 1/4 x 48 inches
SECOND FLOOR EXHIBITION SPACE FEATURING A Group Show of Artworks by Cuban & Latin American Artists
SECOND FLOOR EXHIBITION SPACE FEATURING A Group Show of Artworks by Cuban & Latin American Artists
Ramón Vázquez En Busca del Amor(Looking For Love), 2012 oil on canvas 78 3/4 x 29 1/2 inches
Claudio Bravo Naturaleza Muerta en el Estudio del Artista(Still Life in the Artist's Studio), 1979 oil on canvas 78 3/4 x 59 1/4 inches
Gina Pellón Una Boda(A Wedding), 1965 oil on canvas 51 x 38 inches
Roberto Matta The Terror of the Universe... Shrieking at Death, ca. 1948-49 oil on canvas 43 3/4 x 42 inches
Cundo Bermúdez Geyser, 2008 bronze sculpture, I/V, signed 28 1/2 x 9 x 5 inches
SECOND FLOOR EXHIBITION SPACE FEATURING A Group Show of Artworks by Cuban & Latin American Artists
Wifredo Lam Presencia Perpetua(Perpetual Presence), 1965 mixed media on heavy paper laid down on board 39 1/2 x 27 3/4 inches
Joel Besmar El Libro de la Creación(The Book of Creation), 2012 oil on canvas
51 1/4 x 55 inches
Ismael Gómez Peralta Solemnidad en la Isla(Solemnity on the Island), 2007 oil on canvas 46 1/2 x 57 1/4 inches
Gina Pellón Planta Secreta(Secret Plant), 2010 mixed media on canvas 40 x 32 inches
Dayron González El Llamado(The Call), 2012 mixed media on canvas 62 1/2 x 71 1/2 inches
Vicente Hernández Un Nuevo Horizonte Aparece (A New Horizon Emerges), 2009 oil on canvas 6 x 12 inches
Vicente Hernández La Silla(The Chair), 2009 acrylic on canvas 17 x 9 inches
SECOND FLOOR EXHIBITION SPACE FEATURING A Group Show of Artworks by Cuban & Latin American Artists
SECOND FLOOR EXHIBITION SPACE FEATURING A Group Show of Artworks by Cuban & Latin American Artists
Tomás Sánchez Al Sur del Calvario(At the South of the Calvary), 1994 acrylic on canvas 36 x 48 inches
Fernando Botero Gato(Cat), ca. 1992 bronze sculpture, 2/8 26 x 11 x 9 inches
Wifredo Lam Untitled, Femme Énigmatique(Enigmatic Woman), 1970 oil on canvas 63 x 51 inches
Carlos Enríquez Mulata a la Luz de la Luna(Mulatto Woman Under the Moonlight), 1952 oil on canvas 29 1/4 x 24 inches
René Portocarrero Figura de Carnaval, de la serie, Color de Cuba(Carnival Figure, from the series, Color of Cuba), 1966 oil on canvas 20 x 16 inches
René Portocarrero Figuras de Carnaval(Carnival Figures), 1952 mixed media on board 14 1/2 x 18 3/4 inches
René Portocarrero Bailarines de Carnaval(Carnival Dancers), 1971 mixed media on paper 19 3/4 x 25 1/2 inches
Mariano Rodríguez Mujeres en Interior Habanero(Women in Havana Interior), 1943 ink and watercolor on paper 19 3/4 x 14 1/2 inches
SECOND FLOOR EXHIBITION SPACE FEATURING A Group Show of Artworks by Cuban & Latin American Artists
SECOND FLOOR EXHIBITION SPACE FEATURING A Group Show of Artworks by Cuban & Latin American Artists
Dayron González Reunion Frente a la Reja(Assemblage In Front of the Fence), 2012 mixed media on canvas 20 x 52 inches
David Rodríguez De Repente(Suddenly), 2009 oil on canvas
20 x 30 inches
David Rodríguez Buen Viaje(Bon Voyage), 2012 oil on canvas 28 x 50 inches
Flora Fong Horizonte Pinareño(Horizon in Pinar del Río), 2004 acrylic on canvas
20 1/2 x 25 1/2 inches
Agustín Cárdenas Metamorfosis de la Mariposa(Metamorphosis of the Butterfly), 1979/80 bronze sculpture signed and numbered 2/6 18 1/2 x 6 3/4 x 11 1/2 inches
Vicente Hernández La Isla del Tabaco(Tobacco Island), 2010 mixed media on canvas 32 x 78 3/4 inches
Agustín Cárdenas Mariposa de Mar(Sea Butterfly), 1984 bronze sculpture signed and numbered 3/6 14 x 9 3/4 x 4 3/4 inches
Tomás Sánchez Orilla, Boceto Num. 4(Seaside), 1985 gouache on paper 19 1/2 x 19 1/2 inches
Giosvany Echevarría Alborada en Reposo(Daybreak in Repose), 2005 oil on canvas 39 1/4 x 29 1/2 inches
Tomás Sánchez Orilla(Shore), 1980 acrylic on canvas 25 1/2 x 33 inches
SECOND FLOOR EXHIBITION SPACE FEATURING A Group Show of Artworks by Cuban & Latin American Artists
Miguel Florido Una Fugaz Luz de Esperanza(A Fleeting Light of Hope), 2007 mixed media on heavy paper laid down on board 13 x 18 3/4 inches
Miguel Florido Aquí Te Espero(I Await for You Here), 2009 oil on canvas 39 1/4 x 31 1/2 inches
Miguel Florido Confía en Mí(Trust Me), 2009 mixed media on heavy paper laid down on board 13 x 18 3/4 inches
Miguel Florido Como Simple Mortal(Like a Simple Mortal), 2009 mixed media on heavy paper laid down on board 13 x 18 3/4 inches
Amelia Peláez Rostro en Crema y Marrón(Face in Cream and Dark Brown Colors), 1930 crayon on paper 15 3/4 x 9 3/4 inches
Mariano Rodríguez Flores(Flowers), 1963 mixed media laid down on board
18 1/2 x 24 1/2 inches
Miguel Florido Todo Me Recuerda a Ti(Everything Reminds Me of You), 2011 oil on canvas 9 3/4 x 13 3/4 inches
Víctor Manuel García Lily(Lily), 1962 graphite on heavy paper laid down on board 7 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches
Carlos Enríquez Retrato del Dr. Ponce de León(Portrait of Dr. Ponce de León), 1947 oil on canvas 20 1/4 x 16 3/8 inches
Vicente Hernández Viaje de Mudanzas(Moving Trips), 2010 mixed media on canvas 14 x 11 inches
Miguel Florido El Amor Florece(Love Blooms), 2010 oil on canvas 9 3/4 x 13 3/4 inches
Vicente Hernández Un Nuevo Horizonte Aparece(A New Horizon Emerges), 2009 oil on canvas 6 x 12 inches
Eduardo Abela El Bobo(The Fool), 1953 ink on heavy paper laid down on cardboard 8 3/4 x 6 inches
Víctor Manuel García Retrato de una Joven(Portrait of a Young Woman), 1968 graphite on heavy paper laid down on board 10 1/4 x 8 inches
SECOND FLOOR EXHIBITION SPACE FEATURING A Group Show of Artworks by Cuban & Latin American Artists
Víctor Manuel García Campesino(Peasant), ca. 1938 mixed media on heavy paper laid down on cardboard 17 1/4 x 12 1/4 inches
José Mijares Puerto en Brumas(Sea Mist), 1948 oil on canvas 27 1/2 x 24 inches
Flora Fong Chino en el Caribe(Caribbean Chinese), 2009 mixed media on canvas 44 1/4 x 35 inches
René Portocarrero Retrato de Flora(Portrait of Flora), 1970 gouache on heavy paper laid down on board 27 3/4 x 20 3/4 inches
Vicente Hernández Despertando al Pueblo(Waking Up the Town), 2011 mixed media on canvas 23 1/4 x 31 1/2 inches
Joel Besmar La Botella Rota(The Broken Bottle), 2010 sanguine on heavy paper laid down on board 29 1/2 x 41 inches