Classic Cuban Art from the 19th and early 20th Century. A glimpse into the Cuba of the not so recent past.
Antonio Rodríguez Morey
Palm Grove
(Palmar), 1948
oil on canvas
23 1/2 x 35 1/4 inches
Antonio Rodríguez Morey
Colonial Patio
(Patio Colonial), 1932
oil on wood
10 1/2 x 14 1/4 inches
A selection of works by Master Domingo Ramos, Leopoldo Romañach and Henry Cleenewerck.
Domingo Ramos
Landscape with River and Palm Trees
(Paisaje con Rio y Palmeras), 1950
oil on canvas laid down on wood
35 1/2 x 47 1/4 inches
Domingo Ramos
The Mango Farm
(Finca de Mangos), 1945
oil on canvas
21 1/2 x 17 3/4 inches
Henry Cleenewerck
Cuban Jungle
(Jungla Cubana), ca 1860
oil on canvas
25 1/2 x 21 1/4 inches
Leopoldo Romañach
Study of a Face
(Estudio de un Rostro), ca 1918
oil on canvas
17 x 21 inches
Leopoldo Romañach
(Paisaje Costero), 1930
oil on canvas
15 x 24 inches
Antonio Rodríguez Morey
Stillness in the Afternoon
(Quietud en la Tarde), 1935
oil on canvas
40 x 62 inches
Two beautiful rendered oil paintings on canvas, executed by Master's Armando Menocal and Antonio Rodríguez Morey
Armando Menocal
Cuca Retrieving a Quail
(Cuca Parando una Codorniz), 1915
oil on canvas
35 1/4 x 48 inches
Beautiful small format works by Eduardo Morales, Amelia Peláez, and Gonzalo Escalante.
Eduardo Morales
Carriage in the Sugar Cane Plantation
(Volanta en el Cañaveral), ca 1915
oil on canvas
13 1/2 x 17 1/2 inches
Amelia Peláez
The Tree and the Cross
(El Árbol y la Cruz), ca. 1925
oil on canvas board
12 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches
A group of intimate works by artist Eduardo Morales.
Eduardo Morales
Landscape with River and Palm Trees
(Paisaje con Río y Palmas), 1925
oil on canvas
10 1/2 x 8 1/8 inches
Eduardo Morales
Avenue of Palm Trees with Railroad Track
(Guardarraya de Palmas con Línea de Tren), 1916
oil on cardboard
10 1/2 x 8 inches
Eduardo Morales
Cuban Carriage
(El Quitrín), 1913
oil on wood
7 1/4 x 9 1/4 inches
A selection of paintings by Gonzalo Escalante, depicting the Cuban countryside of the early 1900's.
Gonzalo Escalante
Landscapes with Huts (LEFT)
(Paisaje con Bohíos), ca. 1937
oil on wood
20 x 10 inches
Gonzalo Escalante
Hut with Clothesline (RIGHT)
(Bohío con Tendederas) ca 1937
oil on wood
20 x 10 inches
Gonzalo Escalante
Lanscape with River and Hut
(Paisaje con Río y Bohío), ca 1930
oil on canvas board
14 x 19 1/2 inches
Gonzalo Escalante
Life in the Countryside
(La Vida en el Campo), ca 1920
oil on wood
8 x 12 inches