First impression of the DEMI exhibition as seen from the upstairs hallway. (Left)
“They are few and far between those creators who bring us to
our own infantile world, transporting us to spaces which we
supposed were erased from memory and long cast into
oblivion. DEMI renews this childhood fascination in a
spellbinding whirl of brushstrokes and pigments.”
-Ramón Cernuda
A carefully curated composition of early works by DEMI.
DEMI (b. 1955)
Pink Baby with Green Dress
(Bebé Rosado en Vestido Verde), 1990
acrylic on canvas
40 x 30 inches
signed and dated on reverse
DEMI (b. 1955)
Frozen Charlotte
(Charlotte Congelada), 1986
acrylic on canvas
30 x 15 inches
DEMI (b. 1955)
The Kindergarden
(El Jardín de Niños)1997
acrylic on canvas
32 x 42 inches
Three beautiful DEMI paintings, each unique in theme and composition.
DEMI (b. 1955)
The Ascension
(La Ascensión), 1996-1997
acrylic on canvas
75 x 48 inches
signed, dated, and titled on reverse
DEMI (b. 1955)
Paper Moon
(Luna de Papel), 1986
acrylic on canvas
25 x 30 inches
signed, titled and dated on front
DEMI (b. 1955)
My Son
(Mi Hijo), 1989
acrylic on canvas
36 x 24 ¼ inches
signed and dated on reverse
Continuation of the DEMI exhibition as seen from the upstairs hallway. (Right)
“DEMI continues in a rich lineage of popular painters —
echoing the omnipresent magic of Chagall, the stylized
simplicity of Rousseau, the spectral tableaus of Remedios
Varo and Leonora Carrington, and the visceral
modernism of Frida Kahlo.”
-Nico Hough
Our centerpiece table elegantly matches the frame of the beautifully colored painting above. A small sculpture encased in glass and some corresponding catalogs complete the tabletop.
DEMI (b. 1955)
(Muñeca), 1990
mixed media sculpture
8 x 19 x 6 ½ inches
signed on lower left front of sculpture
DEMI (b. 1955)
For Cristina Holt
(Para Cristina Holt), 1996
acrylic on canvas
40 x 58 inches
signed and dated on reverse
This brightly lit corner explores DEMI's unique range of color and scale.
DEMI (b. 1955)
Me and My Sisters
(Yo my Mis Hermanas), 1988
acrylic on canvas
54 x 38 inches
signed and dated on front,
also signed, dated, and titled on reverse
DEMI (b. 1955)
Two Artists, One Love
(Dos Artistas, Un Amor), 2003
acrylic on canvas
24 x 24 inches
signed and dated on front
also signed, dated, and titled on reverse
DEMI (b. 1955)
Imaginary Flight
(Vuelo Imaginario), 1992
oil on canvas
18 x 20 inches
signed and dated on front
DEMI (b. 1955)
Liquid Life #3
(Vida Líquida #3), ca. 1987
oil and collage on canvas
16 x 12 inches
signed, titled and dated on reverse
An array of DEMI paintings on display, as seen from the upstairs showroom. (Left)
“In rescuing the innocence of the spirit DEMI appeals to the
naïf resource of the simple painting, devoid of affectation,
lacking ostentation, and clearly stripped of artifice. Her
colors reach our gaze unpolluted, in the purity made
requisite by her creative intention.”
- Ramón Cernuda
A marvelous example of DEMI's thematic range.
DEMI (b. 1955)
The Peddler Girl
(La Niña Vendedora), 1987
acrylic on canvas
40 x 33 inches
signed and dated on reverse
DEMI (b. 1955)
(Vanitas), 1987
30 x 20 inches
acrylic on canvas
signed and dated on front
and also on reverse
DEMI (b. 1955)
Merry Go Round
(Carrusel), 1991
acrylic on canvas
46 ½ x 54 inches
signed, titled and dated on reverse
A peek into the hallway where a small DEMI painting hides.
DEMI (b. 1955)
(Cometas), 1997
acrylic on canvas
74 x 62 inches
signed, titled and dated on reverse
DEMI (b. 1955)
Boy with Florida Oranges
(Niño con Naranjas de Florida), 1987
acrylic on canvas
38 x 26 inches
signed and dated on reverse
DEMI (b. 1955)
Bicycle Girl
(Niña Bicicleta), 1987
acrylic on canvas
39 x 28 inches
DEMI (b. 1955)
Family Portrait No. 1
(Retrato de Familia No. 1), 1999
acrylic on canvas
44 x 50 inches
signed, titled, and dated on reverse
DEMI (b. 1955)
Multi Face Doll
(Muñeca Multifacial), 1986
acrylic on canvas
30 x 20 inches
signed, titled and dated on front
also signed, titled and dated on reverse
DEMI (b. 1955)
First Haircut
(Primer Corte de Pelo), 1987
acrylic on canvas
40 x 27 ¾ inches
signed on front
and signed, dated and titled on reverse
The final wall of the DEMI exhibition, as seen from the upstairs showroom. (Right)
“Within the pantheon of other great Cuban artists, DEMI is in dialogue with the masters Eduardo Abela, whose work also revolved around the subjects of children and fantasy, and Uver Solís, whose compositions also synthesized folk informalities with modern expression.”
-Nico Hough
These four exquisite artworks explore DEMI's amazing craftsmanship and superb painting abilities.
DEMI (b. 1955)
Arturo and Demi
(Arturo y Demi), 1984
acrylic on canvas
18 x 14 inches
signed and dated on front
DEMI (b. 1955)
The Girl
(La Niña), 1985
acrylic on canvas
19 ½ x 13 ¼ inches
signed, titled and dated on reverse
DEMI (b. 1955)
The Kiss
(El Beso), 2001
acrylic on canvas
40 x 56 inches
signed and dated in front
also signed, titled, and dated on reverse
A perfect example of the contrast between DEMI's extraordinary range of color and themes.
Exhibition catalog for DEMI, Family Portraits, Cernuda Arte, Coral Gables, FL, February - March 2001