An incredible display of 20th century modern artwork that marks the entrance to the show IMPORTANT CUBAN ARTWORKS, Volume Twenty.
On display: three artworks by the master Wifredo Lam, surrounded by two sculptures by Roberto Estopiñán.
Roberto Estopiñán (1921 – 2015)
Double Standing Torsos
(Doble Torsos de Pie), Feb. 1981
bronze sculpture, one-of-a-kind
21 x 9 x 5 1/2 inches
Wifredo Lam (1902 – 1982)
Untitled [Femme Cheval and Deity]
(Sin Título [Mujer Caballo y Deidad]), 1974
oil on canvas
19 1/2 x 15 3/4 inches
Wifredo Lam (1902 – 1982)
Untitled [The Flight]
(Sin Título [El Vuelo]), 1964
pastel on heavy paper laid down on board
26 1/2 x 40 3/4 inches
Wifredo Lam (1902 – 1982)
Untitled [Femme Cheval, Bird and Elegua]
(Sin Título [Mujer Caballo, Pajaro y Elegua]), 1965
oil on canvas
20 1/4 x 16 1/4 inches
Two small format sculptures by the artist Roberto Estopiñán, Female Nude Body, 1988 (left) and Female Torso, 1988 (right).
A stunning composition of two Vanguardia artists, featuring the masterpiece Red Horse by Carlos Enríquez (left side), alongside a string of artworks by the iconic artist René Portocarrero.
Carlos Enríquez (1900 – 1957)
Red Horse
(Caballo Rojo), 1954
oil on canvas
29 1/2 x 23 inches
René Portocarrero (1912 – 1985)
The Happy Family
(La Familia Feliz), 1944
oil on wood
34 1/2 x 29 inches
René Portocarrero (1912 – 1985)
Family at the Valley
(Familia en el Valle), 1944
oil on board
24 1/2 x 31 3/4 inches
René Portocarrero (1912 – 1985)
Portrait of a Lady
(Retrato de Dama), 1945
mixed media on board
27 3/4 x 20 inches
René Portocarrero (1912 – 1985)
Queens, Maidens and Mermaids
(Reinas, Doncellas y Sirena), 1942
watercolor and ink on paper laid down on heavy board
14 1/2 x 16 1/2 inches
An exquisite large format oil on canvas by Wifredo Lam, surrounded by three small format artworks by René Portocarrero (left), and three small format drawings by Fidelio Ponce de León (right).
Wifredo Lam (1902 – 1982)
Untitled [Silence of the Jungle]
(Sin Título [Silencio de la Jungla]), ca 1945
oil on canvas
49 1/2 x 39 1/2 inches
René Portocarrero (1912 – 1985)
Cathedral in Red
(Catedral en Rojo), 1958
oil on canvas
18 1/8 x 13 1/8 inches
René Portocarrero (1912 – 1985)
Havana City
(Ciudad de La Habana), 1961
oil on canvas
18 1/8 x 14 1/16 inches
René Portocarrero (1912 – 1985)
(Flores), 1969
oil on canvas
16 3/4 x 12 7/8 inches
Fidelio Ponce de León (1895 – 1949)
Martí and the Girl from Guatemala
(Martí y la Niña de Guatemala), 1934
graphite on paper
10 3/4 x 8 inches
Fidelio Ponce de León (1895 – 1949)
Homage to Víctor Manuel
(Homenaje a Víctor Manuel), 1935
graphite on paper
10 3/4 x 8 1/4 inches
Fidelio Ponce de León (1895 – 1949)
Portrait of Rosie
(Retrato de Rosie), ca 1935
graphite on paper laid down on board
12 x 9 1/2 inches
Four astonishing artworks created around the 1940's by the master painter Fidelio Ponce de León.
Fidelio Ponce de León (1895 – 1949)
Devout Woman
(La Beata), 1943
oil on canvas
25 x 26 inches
Fidelio Ponce de León (1895 – 1949)
The Procession
(La Procesión), ca 1944
oil on canvas
27 x 35 inches
Fidelio Ponce de León (1895 – 1949)
Woman and Her Reflection
(Mujer y Reflejo), ca 1944
oil on canvas
24 x 19 1/2 inches
Fidelio Ponce de León (1895 – 1949)
Portrait of a Woman
(Retrato de Mujer), ca 1940
oil on canvas
23 x 16 inches
A beautiful and vibrant collection of paintings and drawings by Mariano Rodríguez, accompanied by a sculpture by Roberto Estopiñán.
Mariano Rodríguez (1912 – 1990)
The Farm
(La Finca), 1944
oil on wood
21 3/4 x 25 3/4 inches
Mariano Rodríguez (1912 – 1990)
Pineapple, Oranges, and Bananas [from the series “Fruits and Reality”]
(Piñas, Naranjas y Plátanos [de la serie “Frutas y Realidad”]), ca. 1969
acrylic on canvas
59 x 56 inches
Mariano Rodríguez (1912 – 1990)
Two Women Fighting
(Dos Mujeres Luchando), 1942
ink and watercolor on fine cardboard
9 x 7 inches
Roberto Estopiñán (1921 – 2015)
From the series “Prisoners”
(De la serie “Prisioneros”), ca 1961-62
wooden sculpture
18 x 13 inches
Two small format mixed media works by Cundo Bermúdez near the entrance of the showroom.
Cundo Bermúdez (1914 – 2008)
Woman with Flower
(Mujer con Flor), ca 1955
mixed media on cardboard
11 1/2 x 8 3/4 inches
Cundo Bermúdez (1914 – 2008)
Lady in Gray Background
(Dama en Fondo Gris), ca 1951
mixed media on paper
11 3/4 x 8 1/2 inches
Four stunning works by the Afro-Cuban master Roberto Diago the elder (left and center), and a beautiful figure study by Carlos Enríquez (right).
A composition of rare paintings and drawings by Roberto Diago.
Roberto Diago (1920 – 1955)
Female Figure in Black
(Figura Femenina en Negro), 1948
mixed media on heavy paper laid down on board
19 3/4 x 14 1/2 inches
Roberto Diago (1920 – 1955)
(Rostro), 1945
oil on board
23 3/4 x 19 inches
Roberto Diago (1920 – 1955)
Woman on the Balcony
(Mujer en el Balcón), ca 1940
mixed media on heavy paper laid down on board
13 1/2 x 10 3/4 inches
Carlos Enríquez (1900 – 1957)
(Desnuda), 1949
ink on heavy paper laid down on board
20 7/8 x 16 1/2 inches
Roberto Diago (1920 – 1955)
Woman at Piano
(Mujer al Piano), ca 1945
oil on paper laid down on canvas
62 x 42 inches
Cernuda Family Collection
Not For Sale
A Roberto Estopiñán center piece sculpture, surrounded by three artworks by José Mijares (left side), and a large format painting by Gina Pellón (right side).
José Mijares (1921 – 2004)
Imaginary Landscape
(Paisaje Imaginario), 1995
oil on canvas
35 3/4 x 48 inches
José Mijares (1921 – 2004)
(Figuras), 1978
mixed media on cardboard
9 1/4 x 11 1/4 inches
José Mijares (1921 – 2004)
Fishermen’s Town
(Pueblo de Pescadores), 1949
oil on canvas
31 1/4 x 40 1/4 inches
Roberto Estopiñán (1921 – 2015)
Always Eternal
(Siempre Eterna), 1992
bronze sculpture, unique piece
31 x 9 x 9 inches
Gina Pellón (1926 – 2014)
Troupe of Ladies
(Tropa de Señoras), 1995
oil on canvas
77 1/2 x 87 1/2 inches
A carefully curated composition of vivid and colorful artworks by Gina Pellón (left), and Felipe Orlando (center and right).
Gina Pellón (1926 – 2014)
Let's Dance
(Ven a Bailar), 2009
mixed media on canvas
57 1/2 x 44 3/4 inches
Felipe Orlando (1911 – 2001)
Woman with Hat
(Mujer con Sombrero), ca 1957
oil on board
25 x 15 3/4 inches
Felipe Orlando (1911 – 2001)
Three Officials in a Forest
(Tres Funcionarios en un Bosque), ca 1970
oil on paper, laid on canvas
44 x 56 inches
Three small format collage on paper by the brilliant Gina Pellón.
Gina Pellón (1926 – 2014)
Rainbow Games
(Juegos del Arcoiris), 2010
collage on heavy paper
11 1/2 x 8 inches
Gina Pellón (1926 – 2014)
Happy Young Lady
(Muchacha Feliz), 2010
collage on heavy paper
11 1/2 x 8 inches
Gina Pellón (1926 – 2014)
The Dancer Dances
(La Bailarina Baila), 2010
collage on heavy paper
11 1/2 x 8 inches