A panoramic view of the entrance of building 3160, exhibiting the show: IMPORTANT CUBAN ARTWORKS, Volume Twenty, 3160 Bldg.
Three artworks from the colonial period by: Federico Sulroca (left), Leopoldo Romañach (center), and Henry Cleenewerck (right).
Leopoldo Romañach (1862 – 1951)
Lady with Flowers
(Dama con Flores), ca 1915
oil on canvas
41 1/4 x 47 1/2 inches
Federico Sulroca (1860 – 1931)
Dog and Cats
(Perro y Gatos), 1910
oil on board
12 x 17 3/4 inches
Henry Cleenewerck (1825 – 1901)
La Ceiba
(The Ceiba Tree), ca 1865
oil on board
20 1/4 x 21 1/4 inches
Two portrait works by Vicente Escobar (left), and Miguel Díaz Salinero (right), surrounding two small-format landscapes by Philippe Chartrand (top, center) and Armando Menocal (bottom, center).
Vicente Escobar (1757 – 1834)
Portrait of D. Agustín de las Heras
(Retrato de D. Agustín de las Heras), 1828
oil on canvas
35 x 27 inches
Philippe Chartrand (1825 – 1889)
Landscape with Deer
(Paisaje con Ciervo), ca 1870's
oil on panel
16 3/8 x 12 1/2 inches
Armando Menocal (1863 – 1942)
Bridge of Tren de la Palma, Cristal River
(Puente del Tren de la Palma, Río Cristal), ca 1930
oil on panel
14 3/4 x 11 1/2 inches
Miguel Díaz Salinero (1874 – 1943)
Portrait of José Martí
(Retrato de José Martí), ca 1920's
oil on canvas
23 x 18 3/4 inches
Two beautifully rendered portraits by Armando Menocal (left), and José Rodríguez Radillo (center), accompanying a vibrant large-format landscape by Domingo Ramos (right).
Domingo Ramos (1894 – 1956)
Landscape with River and Palm Trees
(Paisaje con Río y Palmeras), 1950
oil on canvas laid down on wood
35 1/2 x 47 1/4 inches
Armando Menocal (1863 – 1942)
Young Lady with Mantilla
(Joven con Mantilla), ca 1890
oil on canvas
33 x 21 inches
José Rodríguez Radillo (1915 – 1977)
The Water Seller
(El Aguador), 1938
oil on canvas
30 x 21 1/2 inches
On display: Three lithographies from the series Apostroph'Apocalypse by the remarkable Wifredo Lam.
Wifredo Lam (1902 – 1982)
Apostroph'Apocalypse, (6619), 1967
acquatint on Japanese paper, XVIII/XXV
19 3/4 x 30 inches
Wifredo Lam (1902 – 1982)
Apostroph'Apocalypse, (6623), 1967
acquatint on Japanese paper, XVIII/XXV
20 x 30 1/4 inches
Wifredo Lam (1902 – 1982)
Apostroph'Apocalypse, (6626), 1967
acquatint on Japanese paper, XVIII/XXV
20 x 30 1/2 inches
Angel Acosta León (1930 – 1964)
The Secret Coffeepot
(La Cafetera Secreta), ca 1963
mixed media on paper laid down on board
10 1/2 x 8 inches
A group show of three different art periods, showcasing three works from the 20 Century (left), a contemporary artwork (center), and five colonial small-format artwork to the right.
Four small-format artworks on paper. From left to Right: Cundo Bermúdez, Roberto Estopiñán, and Carlos Enríquez (two works).
Cundo Bermúdez (1914 – 2008)
Five Figures
(Cinco Figuras), ca 1960s
mixed media on paper
10 x 13 1/2 inches
Roberto Estopiñán (1921 – 2015)
(Prisionero), 1967
mixed media on paper
22 x 15 inches
Carlos Enríquez (1900 – 1957)
Woman on Carousel
(Dama en Carrusel), 1956
crayons and pencil on paper
14 x 11 inches
Carlos Enríquez (1900 – 1957)
Cuban Landscape
(Paisaje Cubano), 1947
mixed media on paper laid down on board
14 x 19 inches
Joel Besmar (b. 1968)
The End of Times
(El Final de los Tiempos), 2022
oil on canvas
55 x 51 inches
Five rare watercolor artworks by Víctor Patricio Landaluze, circa 1880.
Víctor Patricio Landaluze (1828 – 1889)
Coachman Praying to The Virgin
(Calesero Rezándole a La Virgen), ca 1880
ink and watercolor on heavy paper laid down on board
3 3/4 x 5 5/8 inches
Víctor Patricio Landaluze (1828 – 1889)
Cuban Guajiro and His Rooster Horseback Riding
(Guajiro y Su Gallo Montan a Caballo), ca 1880
ink and watercolor on heavy paper laid down on board
5 5/8 x 3 3/4 inches
Víctor Patricio Landaluze (1828 – 1889)
Getting Ready for the Party
(Arreglándose para la Fiesta), ca 1880
ink and watercolor on heavy paper laid down on board
8 3/4 x 7 1/4 inches
Víctor Patricio Landaluze (1828 – 1889)
Cuban Guajiro on Horse Scares Off a Rooster
(Guajiro a Caballo Espanta Gallo), ca 1880
ink and watercolor on heavy paper laid down on board
5 5/8 x 3 3/4 inches
Víctor Patricio Landaluze (1828 – 1889)
Cutting Sugar Cane
(Cortando la Caña de Azúcar), ca 1880
ink and watercolor on heavy paper laid down on board
3 3/4 x 5 5/8 inches
Maria Ariza (1873 – 1959)
Back Yard
(Patio), 1931
oil on canvas
16 3/4 x 20 1/4 inches
Three absorbing colonial landscapes by Eduardo Morales (left), Miguel Arias (center), and Esteban Chartrand (right).
Esteban Chartrand (1840 – 1883)
(Crepúsculo), 1867
oil on canvas
22 x 36 1/4 inches
Eduardo Morales (1862 – 1938)
Carriage in the Sugar Cane Plantation
(Volanta en el Cañaveral), ca 1915
oil on canvas
13 1/2 x 17 1/2 inches
Miguel Arias (1841 – 1915)
Landscape with Railway Line
(Paisaje con Línea de Tren), ca 1892
oil on canvas
6 1/8 x 10 1/8 inches
Showcased here, modern and contemporary artworks. From left to right: Servando Cabrera Moreno, Gina Pellón, Danuel Méndez, Vicente Hernández, and Roberto Fabelo.
Servando Cabrera Moreno (1923 – 1981)
Countryside Couple
(Pareja Guajira), 1964
ink on heavy paper laid down on board
22 x 27 inches
Gina Pellón (1926 – 2014)
(Cendras), 1984
mixed media on canvas
25 1/2 x 21 1/4 inches
Danuel Méndez (b. 1989)
Sunday's Sparrow
(Gorrión Dominical), 2021
oil on canvas
20 x 16 inches
Roberto Fabelo (b. 1950)
(Enriquito), 1991
oil crayon on paper laid down on board
52 1/2 x 36 inches
Vicente Hernández (b. 1971)
The Conquest
(La Conquista), 2002
oil on canvas
23 1/2 x 31 1/2 inches
Cundo Bermúdez (1914 – 2008)
Havana Quartet 25/100
(Cuarteto Habanero 25/100), 1991
30 x 42 inches
Exhibited on this wall an array of vibrant and colorful artwork. From left to right: Arturo Rodríguez, Vicente Hernández, René Portocarrero, Gina Pellón, Danuel Méndez (two artworks), Antonio Rodríguez Morey (top), and Domingo Ramos (bottom).
Arturo Rodríguez (b. 1956)
(La Casa de los Locos), 1979
oil on canvas
46 x 34 inches
Vicente Hernández (b. 1971)
Another American Dream
(Otro Sueño Americano), 2010
mixed media on canvas
19 1/2 x 39 1/4 inches
René Portocarrero (1912 – 1985)
At the Carnival
(En el Carnaval), 1970
mixed media on heavy paper laid down on board
19 3/4 x 25 3/4 inches
Danuel Méndez (b. 1989)
Emerald Green
(Verde Esmeralda), 2022
acrylic on canvas
84 x 48 inches
Gina Pellón (1926 – 2014)
Ready for the Dance
(Lista para el Baile), 2013
mixed media on canvas
39 x 31 1/4 inches
Danuel Méndez (b. 1989)
The Lady with a Yellow Dress
(La Dama con un Vestido Amarillo), 2020
acrylic on canvas
30 x 24 inches
A composition of four artworks showcasing different scenery's of day and night-life by the artists: Antonio Rodríguez Morey (top left), Domingo Ramos (bottom, left), Oscar García Rivera (center, right).
Antonio Rodríguez Morey (1874 – 1967)
Colonial Patio
(Patio Colonial), 1932
oil on wood
10 1/2 x 14 1/4 inches
Domingo Ramos (1894 – 1956)
The Mango Farm
(Finca de Mangos), 1945
oil on canvas
21 1/2 x 17 3/4 inches
Oscar García Rivera (1914 – 1971)
Street Dance of The Sultana
(Comparsa La Sultana), ca 1950
oil on canvas board
13 x 24 inches
Oscar García Rivera (1914 – 1971)
High Society Carnival Party
(Fiesta de Carnaval de Alta Sociedad), ca 1944
oil on canvas
24 x 48 inches