José Bedia
Old Secrets
(Viejos Secretos), 1994
oil on canvas
20 inches in diameter
Private Collection, Switzerland
Illustrated in IMPORTANT CUBAN ARTWORKS, Volume Fourteen, page 136.
José Bedia
Oh Tata, Protect Us
(Ay Tata, Ampáranos), 1997
oil on canvas
70 1/2 x 43 1/4 inches
Collection Helena Benítez, Saarbrüken, Germany
Helena Benítez, scientist and intellectual, was the second wife of Wifredo Lam, and the author of Wifredo and Helena, My Life with Wifredo Lam, 1939-1950
Illustrated in IMPORTANT CUBAN ARTWORKS, Volume Fifteen, page 127.
José Bedia
If I Call you, You Respond
(Si Yo Te Llamo, Tú Me Respondes), 1985
mixed media on canvas
98 1/2 x 62 3/4 inches
José Bedia
Invention in Blue
(Invencíon en Azul), 1994
oil on canvas
24 x 48 inches
Private Collection, Switzerland
Illustrated in IMPORTANT CUBAN ARTWORKS, Volume Fourteen, page 136.
José Bedia
At Daybreak
(Rayando el Alba), 1999
oil on canvas
35 1/4 x 108 1/2 inches
Illustrated in IMPORTANT CUBAN ARTWORKS, Volume Nine, page 90.
José Bedia
We're Going to Have to Move the Table
(Vamos a Tener que Mudar la Mesa), 2004
oil on canvas
81 x 120 inches
Ramis Barquet Gallery, New York, New York
Collection Madrid, Spain
Illustrated in IMPORTANT CUBAN ARTWORKS, Volume Fifteen, page 126.
José Bedia
Ogun's Eye
(El Ojo de Ogún), 1990
mixed media on heavy paper laid down on board
27 1/4 x 38 1/2 inches
José Bedia
Oya Ta Vení
(Oya Ta Vení), 2001
oil on canvas
23 x 35 inches
Ramis Barquet Gallery, New York, New York
Illustrated in IMPORTANT CUBAN ARTWORKS, Volume Fifteen, page 126.
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