Works on canvas and silk, and a bronze sculpture by Roberto Fabelo.
Roberto Fabelo
Best Friend
(Mejor Amigo), 2015
oil on canvas
93 x 80 inches
Roberto Fabelo
Grand Bird
(Gran Pájaro), 2014
oil on silk
93 x 49 inches
Roberto Fabelo
From the series, Animalia
(De la Serie, Animalia), 2012
bronze sculpture, 7 of 7
30 1/4 x 21 5/8 x 21 inches
Roberto Fabelo
Navigator's Dream
(Sueño de Navegantes), 2015
bronze sculpture, 4 of 7
14 x 23 x 21 1/2 inches
An assemblage of works by Clara Morera, Agustín Cárdenas and Tomás Sánchez.
Clara Morera
Adam and Eve in Paradise
(Adán y Eva en el Paraíso), 2017
mixed media on canvas, tryptich
35 1/2 x 36 inches
Clara Morera
Revelations 13:4 Who is like the Beast?
(Apocalipsis 13:4 ¿Quién como la Bestia?), 2020
mixed media assemblage on wood
54 x 71 inches
Clara Morera
Revelations 13:17, No one Can Buy or Sell, Without The Mark, The Name of the Beast
(Apocalipsis 13:17, Nadie Puede Comprar o Vender Sin La Marca, El Nombre de La Bestia), undated
mixed media on canvas
70 x 34 inches
Agustín Cárdenas
Antillean Plants
(Plantes Antillaises), 1960
bronze sculpture, HC 1 of 3
85 1/2 x 7 x 3 inches
The exquisite landscape art of Tomás Sánchez, as well as Lilian Garcia-Roig and Flora Fong.
Tomás Sánchez
(Orilla), 1992
acrylic on canvas
20 x 15 7/8 inches
Tomás Sánchez
(Isla), 1996
acrylic on canvas
42 3/4 x 58 inches
Tomás Sánchez
(Paisaje), 1991
watercolor on heavy paper laid down on board
5 1/2 x 8 inches
Tomás Sánchez
Man with Tie
(Hombre con Corbata), 1983
gouache on paper
6 1/2 x 5 inches
Three paintings on canvas by Vicente Hernández, and three by Irina Elén González.
Vicente Hernández
Choir of Voters
(Coro de Votantes), 2019
oil on canvas
39 1/4 x 9 3/4 inches
Vicente Hernández
The Electoral Circus
(El Circo Electoral), 2020
oil on canvas
59 1/4 x 79 inches
Vicente Hernández
Upward Like the Palm (Noon)
(Arriba Como La Palma (Mediodía)), 2018
oil on canvas
39 x 9 3/4 inches
Irina Elén González
Gathering My Nostalgias
(Hilvanando Mis Nostalgias), 2019
acrylic on canvas
15 1/2 x 11 3/4 inches
Irina Elén González
Facing New Winds
(A la Luz de Nuevos Vientos), 2019
acrylic on canvas
20 1/2 x 16 1/4 inches
Irina Elén González
Painting a Dream
(Pintando un Sueño), 2019
acrylic on canvas
15 1/2 x 11 3/4 inches
TOP:Vicente Hernández
Electoral Folklore
(Folklore Electoral), 2017
oil on canvas
16 x 9 3/4 inches
BOTTOM: Vicente Hernández
My Town in Turmoil
(Mi Pueblo Sumido en el Caos), 2018
oil on canvas
13 1/4 x 17 1/4 inches
Vicente Hernández
(Acordeón), 2018
oil on canvas
23 1/4 x 23 1/4 inches
The sculpture of Sosbravo, works on canvas and silk by Fabelo and an exquisite rendering by Miguel Florido.
Alfredo Sosabravo
Adam's Apple
(La Manzana de Adán), 2004
bronze sculpture, Artist's proof
11 x 11 x 5 inches
Roberto Fabelo
Head with Angels
(Cabeza con Angeles), 1999
oil on canvas
27 x 23 3/4 inches
Roberto Fabelo
Suyu and the Romantic Rhinoceros
(Suyu y los Rinocerontes Románticos), 2016
oil on silk
47 3/4 x 94 inches
Miguel Florido
Remember, Your Light Gives Us Colors
(Recuerda, Tu Luz Nos Da Colores), 2009
oil on canvas
49 x 10 inches
Giosvany Echevarría
Customary Beauty
(Belleza Habitual), 2015
oil on canvas
15 3/4 x 23 1/2 inches
Giosvany Echevarría
A Lingering Sunset
(Un Largo Atardecer), 2015
oil on canvas
9 3/4 x 13 3/4 inches
Brilliantly colored works by Miguel Florido and Alfredo Sosabravo adorn the walls.
Miguel Florido
Deep Love
(Amor Profundo), 2019
mixed media on canvas
78 1/2 x 58 3/4 inches
Alfredo Sosabravo
Mask (Máscara), 1966
one of a kind terracota
9 1/2 x 9 x 1 3/4 inches
Alfredo Sosabravo
Mask (Máscara), 1966
terracota, one of a kind
8 x 7 3/4 x 1 1/2 inches
Alfredo Sosabravo
(Máscara), 1967
one of a kind ceramic
10 1/2 x 8 x 1 1/2 inches
Sculpture and Paintings by Alfredo Sosabravo.
Alfredo Sosabravo
The Ship of Memories
(La Nave de los Recuerdos), 2014
oil and collage on canvas
39 1/2 x 31 1/2 inches
Alfredo Sosabravo
(Frenesí), 2012
acrylic and collage on canvas
46 3/4 x 46 3/4 inches
Alfredo Sosabravo
The Singer
(La Cantante), 2017
acrylic and collage on canvas
63 x 38 1/2 inches
The collaged canvases of Alfredo Sosabravo and the impastoed renderings of Lilian Garcia-Roig show an abundance of texture.
(TOrP) Lilian García-Roig
Palm Frenzy I
(Frenesí de Palma I), 2011
oil on canvas
30 x 24 inches
(BOTTOM) Lilian García-Roig
Palm Frenzy II
(Frenesí de Palma II), 2011
oil on canvas
30 x 24 inches
Lilian García-Roig
Ramas Extremas de Arce
(Extreme Maple Branches), 2010
oil on canvas
48 x 48 inches
(TOP) Lilian García-Roig
Maple Mash Up 2
(Enredo de Arces 2), 2013
oil on canvas
30 x 24 inches
(BOTTOM) Lilian García-Roig
Maple Mash Up 1
(Enredo de Arces 1), 2013
oil on canvas
30 x 24 inches
A gathering of landscapes by Lilian Garcia-Roig.
Miguel Florido
I Have Forgotten You
(Ya Te Olvidé), 2017-2020
oil on canvas
9 3/4 x 13 3/4 inches
Miguel Florido
Sabes que Estoy Contigo, 2005
oil on canvas
13 3/4 x 10 inches
Miguel Florido
Te Enviaré un Mensaje y Sonreirás, 2006
oil on canvas
9 1/2 x 13 1/2 inches
Miguel Florido
I Persist and Wait for You
(Persisto y Te Aguardo), 2006
mixed media installation on wood
19 x 10 1/4 inches
Landscape and symbology by Flora Fong.
Flora Fong
(Hábitat), 2014
mixed media on canvas
57 x 74 3/4 inches
Flora Fong
China Town
(Barrio Chino), 2007
acrylic on canvas
51 x 38 1/4 inches
Flora Fong
Coffee Maker
(Cafetera), 2007
mixed media on canvas
39 x 31 1/2 inches